Directory Information
Our 2018-2019 printed and online school directory will be produced by AtoZ School Directories. PTA members will receive a copy of the printed directory and access to a secure/password-protected AtoZ directory. With the app you can use your smart phone or any web-enabled device to pull-up directory data any time.
Watch for Your Verification Email
After the office staff have processed all student data and pulled the directory opt-out entries, we will upload the data to the AtoZ system. This will generate a "verification" email from [email protected]. The verification email will contain your user name, password, and instructions on how to access and verify your directory information, as well as access the AtoZ School Directory App. Please follow the directions outlined in this email to confirm and update your family data. Our goal is to have the verification emails go out by the end of September. If you do not receive a verification email or have any other questions, please email Robin Birchfield.